Our Services
QCFI is privileged to have as members from all over India, persons who have held or holding senior executive positions with vast experience on implementing various Quality concepts. Hence, even though QCFI’s main focus is to propagate Quality Circle movement in India, it undertakes total responsibility to institutionalize.
- Quality Circle integrated with Total Quality Management
- Quality Improvement teams
- Problem Solving Techniques
- 5-S,Kaizen,3M,3G,3K,3R
- ISO - 9001..2015
- Communication Skills
- QC concept & implementation
- New Seven QC Tools
- Just In Time (JIT)
- Leadership
- Poka Yoke, Layout Management
- Six Sigma chrtrd Engr,Aprvd
- Statistical Process Control (SPC)
- Supply Chain Management
- Why Why Analysis
- Time Management
- Predictive/Preventive/Maintenance/Break Down
- IATS - 2016
- OHSAS-45001+OHS (Occupational Health Safty)
- Total Quality Management
- Waste Elimination
- Employee Motivation
- APQP - Advanced Product Quality Planning
- PPAP - Production Part Approval Process
- MSA - Measurement Systems Analysis
- Small Group Activity (SGA)
- DOE - Design of Experiments
- Team Working, Team Building
- Management & Engg consultancy,GMP
- Re Engg, System Establishment/Maintenance
- Organization development & behavioural & professional
- ISO – 14001
- Profitability Improvement
- Technical Manpower
- Plant upgradation,automation,SPM
- Exploring Business Opportunities
- Other Quality Concepts